Bicarawara Pemimpin Muda: Teroka Impian, Realisasi Kejayaan
Institut Tadbiran Awam Negara (INTAN) telah menganjurkan program Bicarawara Pemimpin Muda, yang telah menampilkan CEO ASLI, Danial Rahman; Izzat Afifi, Presiden Majlis Belia Malaysia; Dr. Say, pempengaruh terkenal, dan Syairul Islam, pengacara RTM di dalam sesi forum.
CEO ASLI telah berkongsi di hadapan lebih 650 peserta bahawa kepimpinan sejati bermula dengan niat yang ikhlas. Beliau turut menegaskan keperluan pemimpin muda untuk sentiasa mencari penyelesaian kepada cabaran masyarakat.
Program diakhiri dengan perkongsian Amin dan Abid, Pemenang Tiktok Education Content Creator Tahun 2024.
Terima kasih kepada pihak INTAN di atas jemputan yang diberikan.
The National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN) recently hosted the Bicarawara Pemimpin Muda programme, featuring a panel of speakers, including ASLI CEO, Danial Rahman, Izzat Afifi, President of the Malaysian Youth Council, Dr. Say, a renowned influencer, and Syairul Islam, an RTM host, in a forum session.
CEO of ASLI addressed over 650 participants, emphasising that true leadership begins with sincere intentions. He also highlighted the importance of young leaders to constantly seek solutions to societal challenges.
The programme concluded with a session by Amin and Abid, the 2024 winners of the TikTok Education Content Creator Award.
Thank you to INTAN for the invitation and the opportunity to inspire young leaders!
Empowering Leaders, Advancing Societies.