Strengthening cultural exchanges and people to people connections 🤝🌏
ASLI moderated the ‘Strengthening Cultural Exchanges and People to People Connections’ Fireside Chat during the 2024 China-ASEAN Economic Seminar. The chat brought together esteemed speakers - Dato Dr. Ooi Kee Beng, Executive Director, Penang Institute; Dr. Veronika S. Saraswati, Convener of the China Unit, the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta; and Dr. Li Mingbo, Deputy Director and Secretary General, The Guangzhou Institute of the Greater Bay Area (GIG).
Together, they explored the dynamism of cultural diplomacy and mutual understanding that defines the ASEAN-China relationship.
Key discussion points included the role of cultural institutions in bridging gaps between Malaysia and China, the influence of new leadership dynamics in Indonesia on ASEAN’s cohesion, and the broader implications of these relationships on regional stability and cultural exchange. The conversation also touched on how young leaders in ASEAN can shape future policy and the critical elements needed for successful cultural and educational exchanges within the ASEAN-China context.
We thank the organisers, the Guangzhou Institute of the Greater Bay Area (GIG), Belt And Road Initiative Caucus for Asia Pacific (BRICAP), and Sunway Business School (SBS), Sunway University for facilitating this important dialogue.
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