ASLI had the honor of speaking at the esteemed International Public Employment Forum, hosted by the Malaysian Social Security Organisation (PERKESO) on 12th October 2023.

Taking center stage for the pivotal discussion on 'Strengthening TVET and Promoting Youth Employment', ASLI delved deep into 'Cultivating Youth-Adult Partnership: Bridging Generations'.

Highlights from the discourse included:

- Emphasising the timeless value of Adult-Youth partnerships, especially in preserving the tradition of apprenticeship and seamless expertise transfer.

- Bridging the generational gap requires a multi-pronged approach: policy support, industry-academia collaborations, fostering multi-generational workspaces, establishing networking opportunities & hubs, and encouraging reverse mentoring.

- As we move towards Industrial Revolution 5.0, characterised by the human-robot synergy, support by the government is crucial. This encompasses strengthening TVET education, bolstering renewable energy initiatives, and solidifying collaborations with key industry stakeholders and employers.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes to PERKESO for this invaluable platform. ASLI remains steadfast in its mission: empowering leaders and advancing societies.