ASLI had the privilege to participate at this year's edition of the Belt and Road Global Forum Annual Roundtable in Hong Kong, where we delivered a speech titled “Reshaping Economic Landscape through Enhanced Collaboration”.

As a Forum Member, ASLI is committed to promoting international collaboration and information-sharing with other organisations.

Reflecting on historical trade routes, from the Silk Road's legacy to the maritime might of the Srivijaya Empire, the Belt & Road is seen as a commendable effort to establish strong relations between nations.

In today's world, ASEAN's $3.6 trillion GDP narrative, spearheaded by Malaysia's adaptability sets the stage for a future rich with potential.

Emerging trade blocs like RCEP, GBA, and the Belt and Road initiative, will enable Hong Kong to realise its role as an unmatched 'super-connector'. Yet, the focus remains on achieving sustainable and equitable growth.

"Nations need to put aside egos for the greater good. There's enough prosperity for all."

Read the infographics based of the speech delivered by CEO of ASLI at the Belt and Road Global Forum Annual Roundtable: