Immersive Learning: Theory Meets Practice


Who is LEADERISE for?

Emerging Leaders & Managers:

  • stepping into senior roles within their organisations
  • responsible for guiding, motivating, and driving effective teams 
  • who are able to handle crucial conversations and communicate effectively where exposure to different people, ideas and industries will enhance their worldviews
  • where embracing new technologies, opportunities, and innovations will be crucial 
  • looking to be embedded with deep sense of purpose and appreciation for sustainability, public sector engagement, nation building and community empowerment

Senior Leaders, C-Suite and Board Members:

  • aiming to enhance their knowledge in global trends, threats and opportunities
  • leading change, be it digital or organisational 
  • seeking to upskill in emerging regulatory and risk assessment requirements  
  • looking to become more effective and strategic decision-makers 
  • wanting to inspire and embed values and a deep sense of purpose amongst team members
Our past events!

Contact us if you are interested!